Berthoud Day Sponsorship Form

    Please select your sponsorship option below. Submit payment via credit card (subject to 2.68% processing fee) or mail in payment via check to PO Box 1709 Berthoud, CO 80513
    One available. Secured by Northern Colorado Credit Union. Commercial time. Banner prominently displayed on stage. First business position in parade. Free 10’x10′ vendor. Your logo presence on front page of BACC website with web link for one year. Your logo presence on event page of BACC website with web link for one year. Your logo presence on event page on BACC website. Your logo presence in the monthly e-newsletter. Your logo on event poster. Your business name on event poster. Banner prominently displayed at event. Recognition through announcements at events. Recognition on Chamber Facebook page.
    Free 10’x10′ vendor booth. Your Logo prminently displayed on event poster Verbal Recognition announcements at event Logo displasyed on event webpage Logo displayed in the e-newsletter Event Recognition on FB Page Name displayed on Event poser
    Free 10’x10′ vendor booth. Your Logo prminently displayed on event poster Logo displayed on event webpage Logo displayed in the e-newsletter Event Recognition on FB Page Name displayed on Event poser
    Free 10’x10′ vendor. Your logo presence on event page of BACC website with web link for one year. Your logo on event poster. Banner prominently displayed at event. Recognition through announcements at events. Recognition on Chamber Facebook page.
    Your logo presence on event page on BACC website. Your logo presence in the monthly e-newsletter. Recognition on Chamber Facebook page.
    I (we) understand that participation in Berthoud Day activities are accompanied by certain risks. In consideration for being allowed to participate in these activities, I (we) waive and release the Berthoud Area Chamber of Commerce, Town of Berthoud, Fire Department, and all other Berthoud Day organizers and persons participating in this event from liability proximately caused by their negligence. I (we) agree to indemnify and defend all organizations and persons from all liability arising from my (our) participation in the activities of Berthoud Day. Workers shall not be held liable for property damage, theft or personal injury to exhibitors, its agents regardless of how such injury or damage may have occurred. We reserve the right to accept or reject any exhibitor and shall have the right to make rules and regulations for the festival that deems proper and necessary.
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